Sunday, June 14, 2009


Ok so you're a basketball fan. Actually scratch that, so you love basketball. You love basketball so naturally you watch the games and you probably play in your local pick up game or get together with friends and shoot around or just simply shoot by yourself.

You love basketball and if you're lucky enough you work in a profession in which basketball is involved. You love basketball and maybe you're good enough to play organized, be it high school, college or any other organized competitive version of basketball. Maybe you coach.

The point love basketball. So naturally when you're on the internet you're looking for smart, thoughtful, insightful content know Well then you should be glad that you have found my world. My world of basketball.

Now don't get me wrong, I love a good humor piece, I really do. And I love blogs or writing bashing players, teams, refs, etc. I do and I'm sure you do too. But there are some other blogs out there that do a great job of either humor or bashing. The lighter side if you will.

If you've found my blog, then you've found a resource for basketball taken a little bit deeper. Maybe you want to improve as a coach. Maybe you want to improve as a player. Or maybe you just want to have a better understanding of what it is you're seeing play out in front of you on the hardwood.

Everyday I wake up and do the same thing you are doing. Read blogs and consume basketball content. Some of what I read I think to, that is really good stuff. That is the stuff I'm going to put here and maybe throw in a little of my own opinion. Hopefully you find what appears on this blog as useful. And I hope my world will only enhance the love you already have. Enjoy!


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